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What is TeacherKit?

TeacherKit is a simple, easy-to-use, and feature-rich app that makes day-to-day teaching a breeze by eliminating the headache of routine class administration. Teachers can organize classes and manage students easily. It can be used by K12 teachers, Higher Edu faculty, corporate trainers and more. TeacherKit app is available on iOS and Windows 8


Reasons to love TeacherKit

TeacherKit makes classroom management a joy, not a chore. Routine tasks – taking attendance, recording a gradebook – become so straightforward they’re a pleasure. It also adds value and impact. TeacherKit helps you analyse and share information like never before, dramatically boosting data. TeacherKit also frees up your time, making classroom management less onerous and time-consuming – enabling you to focus on what you love most: teaching. Finally, TeacherKit is more versatile than other solutions out there. It can be used from K12 to higher education to corporate training, and it’s so intuitive, there’s no need for specialist skills or training.


Log students’ attendance



Add behavior notes for students



Record students’ grades



Create student level reporting


Keep track of your child progress without leaving your home

What is TeacherKit Parent?

TeacherKit Parent App is a revolutionary app for parents. TeacherKit Parent allows parents to view all of their child’s attendance, behavior, grades and all of their classroom activities from their device anywhere any time.




Getting the most out of TeacherKit Parent

We look at one of the most basic things that parents needs to know every day: being able to track their daily child progress at school. Some parents might need to communicate with his child’s teachers at school and get feedback about his child behavior and grades in the classroom. TeacherKit Parents works on facilitating all of these needs for parents and it only takes a few moments to sign up. Why switch to a technology-based process: isn’t that just adding unnecessary complexity? The answer to that is twofold. Firstly, a technology-based register can be just as simple and swift to use as a paper-based one. And secondly, technology can open up numerous ways to get your child’s data that makes following up on your child’s far easier and more meaningful.                             


Follow up your child’s attendance in the class.



Follow up your child’s activities.



Follow up your child’s gradebook.



Follow up your child’s behavior in the class.



Keep in touch with your child’s teachers.

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Keep track of your classroom progress anywhere

What is TeacherKit Student ?

TeacherKit Student App is a revolutionary app for students. TeacherKit Student allows students the option view all of their attendance, behavior, grades and all of their classroom activities from their device anywhere any time.




Getting the most out of TeacherKit Student

We look at one of the most basic important needs that students need to know every day: being able to track their progress at class and get notified about their classroom updates. Some students might need to communicate with their teachers at school and get feedback about his grades and performance in the classroom. TeacherKit Students works on facilitating all of these needs for students and it only takes a few moments to sign up. Why switch to a technology-based process: isn’t that just adding unnecessary complexity? The answer to that is twofold. Firstly, a technology-based register can be just as simple and swift to use as a paper-based one. And secondly, technology can open up numerous ways to get your data that makes following up on your progress far easier and more meaningful.



Follow up your attendance in the class.



Get notified about your class activities.



Keep track of your classes grades.



Receive feedback about your behavior in the class.

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